Become a Member

Become a Member


The Club has had a steady growth of members over the past years and has a membership of over 400. It has a documented constitution and is controlled by a committee of around 8 members selected each March during an Annual General Meeting. On becoming a member, you agree to adhere to the code of conduct and the rules of this constitution. You are required to uphold the interests of the Club and the four wheel drive community in general.

Fill in the membership form below, save it as a PDF and email it to


Die volgende dokumente moet saam met die volledig voltooide aansoekvorm per e-pos aan  gestuur word:

The following documents must be completed in full and accompany the application from per mail to

  • Elektroniese ID tipe selfie in kleur (vir kaart)/Electronic ID type card selfie in color  – Jy mag maar glimlag/You’re allowed to smile 
  • R1 000.00 – Bewys van betaling (R850 Lidmaatskapfooi + R150 eenmalige aansluitingsfooi) Proof of payment (R850 membership fees +R150 once off joining fee)
  • Afskrif van die 4×4 voertuig se registrasie dokument wat gemeld word op die aansoekvorm. Die voertuig moet in die aansoeker se naam geregistreer wees en beskik oor ‘n lae bestek ratkas.
  • Copy of the 4×4 vehicle natis /registration document which has been filled in on the application vorm .The vehicle has to be registered in the applicants name and have low range transfer case fitted

Bankbesonderhede:Bank details send on request